Sunday, November 29, 2009

Christmas Cookies

Unbelievably it is already the time of year when the build-up to Christmas begins! To start our Christmas festivities this week we began making decorations for our special 'Christmas Room'. From 1st December we will be using this every morning as part of our Advent ritual.

We also had some special help this week from Frau Keller's mum. She helped our children make beautiful Christmas cookies. We had lots of fun making them...

...and tasting them!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Nature Day

"Am Dienstag verbrachten wir einen tollen Tag im Tierpark Goldau. Wir haben viel erlebt und wir durften auch verschiedene Tiere füttern.
In der Tierschule im Park konnten wir besonders viel über den Igel lernen, sogar anfassen durften wir ihn!
Dieser Tag wird uns noch lange in bester Erinnerung bleiben."

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Daddies Come to School...

The Kindergarten children had a wonderful evening on Tuesday 3rd November with some very special guests....their daddies! The children and their Daddies worked hard to carve the Räbelichtli for our procession through Männedorf. Frau Keller and Mrs. Pugh would like to say a big thank you to all the very creative Dads, Mums and Grandads that came to help us.

Father and son in deep thought during the Räbelichtli planning stages!

Happy workers!

Daddies concentrating hard!