Friday, August 28, 2009

Badespass im Zürichsee

Am Donnerstag packten wir unsere Badesachen ein und verbrachten einen farbenfrohen Nachmittag am Zürichsee. Es wurde viel gelacht, gespielt und alle gnossen die Abkühlung im See.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

School Gathering

On Friday the pupils joined together to celebrate a fantastic first week at our new school. We talked about the highlights of the week and what our pupils had achieved. Some talked about their new friends and others talked about our balloon event on the opening day. After our reflection time we sang a song and then played a game. It was lots of fun! We hope to celebrate our achievements as a whole school every week.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fun at Lunchtime

It was so hot today that Frau Keller organised some extra water for the children at lunch time...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Technology is Fun!

Today the children in Grade 1 and 2 were getting used to their Interactive Whiteboard. They found out that it's great for helping them with their school work...and the best's fun to use! The children can not only use the Smartboard for watching educational video clips and displaying useful information, but they can use it to assess themselves and try out new ideas. Soon they will be experts!

Monday, August 17, 2009

School Life

After our whole school celebration event with the balloons, the children joined their separate classes. Here they found some time to work...

...and play!

Aiming for the Sky

As an introduction to life at SIS Maennedorf we asked our new pupils to write a wish for the year on a piece of card. These cards were then attached to helium filled balloons and released into the sky...we like to aim high!

First School Day SIS Maennedorf...

Today was an important day for SIS Maennedorf...the first ever pupils arrived and we finally became a school after all of the hard work by our staff members.

It was a pleasure for us to welcome the new pupils and their parents to the school on such a beautiful day. We look forward to a fantastic 2009/10 academic year.