Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas is coming...

Last week our Christmas tree arrived in school. During the afternoon our Grade 1&2 class helped to decorate the tree in the Aula.

This is better than homework!

Just a little higher...

While taking turns to decorate the tree, the children also made some colourful decoration for the classrooms.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Today the children were introduced to their new "Christmas Room" located at the top of Villa Silvia. The children were able to sing songs and learn a little about Christmas. This 'ritual' will continue every morning until we finish for Christmas.

To help get us in the festive mood the weather decided to treat us to some snow!
The children had lots of fun at break and lunch time!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Christmas Cookies

Unbelievably it is already the time of year when the build-up to Christmas begins! To start our Christmas festivities this week we began making decorations for our special 'Christmas Room'. From 1st December we will be using this every morning as part of our Advent ritual.

We also had some special help this week from Frau Keller's mum. She helped our children make beautiful Christmas cookies. We had lots of fun making them...

...and tasting them!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Nature Day

"Am Dienstag verbrachten wir einen tollen Tag im Tierpark Goldau. Wir haben viel erlebt und wir durften auch verschiedene Tiere füttern.
In der Tierschule im Park konnten wir besonders viel über den Igel lernen, sogar anfassen durften wir ihn!
Dieser Tag wird uns noch lange in bester Erinnerung bleiben."

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Daddies Come to School...

The Kindergarten children had a wonderful evening on Tuesday 3rd November with some very special guests....their daddies! The children and their Daddies worked hard to carve the Räbelichtli for our procession through Männedorf. Frau Keller and Mrs. Pugh would like to say a big thank you to all the very creative Dads, Mums and Grandads that came to help us.

Father and son in deep thought during the Räbelichtli planning stages!

Happy workers!

Daddies concentrating hard!

Friday, October 30, 2009


Bald ist der Räbeliechtli Umzug!
Die SIS Männedorf nimmt am Umzug von Männedorf teil.
Wir freuen uns und üben gemeinsam die Lieder...

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday the children at SIS Maennedorf are able to stay after school from 15.00 to 16.00 to complete their homework tasks. This gives the children the opportunity to have further support from their teachers.

The children work hard...

...but they also seem to enjoy it!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


On Thursday we had a fantastic Farbenfest. This was a great way to celebrate and have fun after all of the children’s hard work this quarter. We’ve been so pleased with the start that all of our pupils have made…and also with the cooperation and positive feedback from our parents. It was great to have so many parents there to celebrate with us! We thank you for coming and also for the wonderful selection of food that you provided for our party.

The children began the festival by singing and dancing. Look how colourful our outfits were!

In each room there was something different for the children and parents to take part in.

Finally, after eating our party food, we had a short prize giving to end our Farbenfest. A great time was had by all!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Gestern haben die Kinder ihren eigenen Imbiss in der Schule gemacht - Schlangenbrot. Wir wickelten den Teig um einen Stock und haben ihn über das Feuer gehalten. Wir hatten viel Spass... und es hat köstlich geschmeckt.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A relaxing and healthy start to the day...

Breakfast club runs every morning from 07.30 to 08.30 and provides our children with a healthy snack and the chance to play with their friends. The children love the variety of food on offer, including: bread, cereal, fruit and yoghurts.

It's great to get some energy and catch up with friends before the day begins!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September Bummel

Today we had great fun on our September Bummel. We left early in the morning to get the train to Feldbach. This gave us the chance to relax before our long walk...some children even found time to do a spot of reading!

Soon after we started our long walk...

The older children helped the younger ones. It's fantastic to see how caring our pupils are.

The view from the top of the hill was beautiful.

In the forest there was a fire for us to cook our own sausages and lots of areas to play in.

After our long walk back we were really tired!